Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spring Wraps it's Arms Around Us

View out my studio window
As spring wraps it's arms around us and we have other things to take care of and do, many find less and less time to work on quilts. On the other hand other people have time off work and that IS the time to quilt. 

Then we face the trouble of what quilt to make, and for whom. Do we make one for ourselves, for a family member, for sale, or to donate? If we have time we make them all. But that takes a while. 

Easy patterns and smaller quilts take less time to make and often are the ones we make and donate. 
Larger and more complicated ones we make for special people in our lives, or even for ourselves. 

As quilters we always have our to do list, our UFO collections and the WIP quilts and projects. And just when we think we are caught up.....we.... well, we find another pattern we like; we find more fabric we like; we have someone ask us to make them a quilt; we have another reason to make one to donate; or we simply are so hooked that we 'need' to quilt any and all the time. 

As we welcome spring with the warmer temps and extra chores and activities, we are also faced head on with the storms that it has already brought to our country. And as busy as we are, we find time to help out where and when we can. Our sewing machines sew up quilts to donate, we send up prayers, and we find time we didn't know we had to help others that are in need. 

There is something special about a quilt. A warm quilt to wrap up in when life gets hard to deal with. A quilt that is full of memories helps out when a loved one is lost. A personal size quilt for a child helps to encourage them by realizing even strangers care about them. Quilts have and continue to touch lives in many ways. As quilters we are honored to be able to share our talents by creating these works of art that we share with so many.

Let us do what we can to help out others as well as spoiling our families and friends. May we all find time during this season to keep quilting. 

Til next time -- keep those needles stitching. 


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